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Community Education
& Outreach

Finding and keeping a good, stable job is imperative for successful reentry. ARCH operates several programs both pre and post release to make sure returning citizens are ready and able to return to the workforce, and subsequently their lives.

Love Your Neighbor Ohio

Love Your Neighbor Ohio is meant to educate the public about the extremely common realities of incarceration in Ohio, and in particular the unique challenges women face after being incarcerated.

The Brown Couch with Vanita Nevis

Vanita Nevis, Program Cordinator, sits down with returning citizens, reentry professionals, and friends to discuss life after incarceration and everything it entails.

Community Presentations

We believe that education is vital to reducing the stigma against returning citizens. Is your workplace, faith community, or organization interested in learning more about reentry? Let us know!

Faith in Action:

Advent Series

The series includes theological reflection from local faith leaders, practical information on what is transpiring today, personal testimony on how the local church has helped or hurt, and opportunities for churches to move forward and help save lives.

Voices of Hope

Voices of Hope is a podcast series produced by ARCH for Reentry Week 2023.

Addiction & Mental Health Outreach

ARCH has partnered with OMHAS for the last few years to promote education and outreach concerning the stigma of addiction and mental health.

Let's Talk About Stigma

During the pandemic, VOAN partnered with OMHAS to host a series of Coffee Talks about addiction and stigma.

Donate and support our direct services fund.

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