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A gap exists for individuals returning to the community from incarceration.

We believe that those closest to the problem are closest to the solution. Returning citizens know better than anyone what they need. This is exactly why Settling the Score was created.

Settling the Score was created and is now facilitated by people with
lived experience.

 Settling the Score (STS) is an 8-week trauma-informed psychoeducational peer support group that incorporates Evidence-Based Practice, lived experience, conversations, education, and a healthy learning environment to help participants returning to the community learn about and explore trauma, resilience, and coping mechanisms to help heal and understand trauma.

The course educates participants about the physical impacts of trauma based on the book “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel van der Kolk.

 The last four weeks explore coping skills, best practices, and works to promote pairing participants with peer support in the community upon reentering, to improve mental health, recidivism rates, and self-awareness.

The first four weeks explore Adverse Childhood Experiences inter-generational trauma, community trauma, and Post Incarceration Syndrome.

STS utilizes Evidence-Based Practices such as Seeking Safety and peer support models. We promote resilience and vulnerability by having group discussions, independent reading, and writing assignments.  

Abstract Background

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